What is organizational citizenship?
Organizational citizenship behavior is defined as behavior in a workplace environment which benefits the workplace while not being directly required or recognized by a formal reward system. Instead, organizational citizenship behavior is the product of an instilled sense of community and citizenship in the workplace, an individual’s personality, and their personal decision making. Organizational citizenship behavior is referred to as “citizenship†behavior because the behavior which is defined under this category is intended to benefit a company and, more importantly, benefit the other individuals who are involved in the work life of the person exhibiting organizational citizenship behavior. These behaviors are not necessary or critical in order to perform a job; however, they can still enhance work performance and create a positive and more productive work environment.
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Why deals attract us?
Business is about making money—so why is it that so many businesses have seemingly constant “great deals,†“bargain bin deals,†and “extreme price-cut deals� Because, more often than not, these seemingly too-good-to-be-true deals are actually benefiting the business, not the consumer. Every year, countless numbers of businesses take advantage of the psychological effect that “the deal†has on consumers. This “deal†effect can actually influence people into spending more money and into spending money that they otherwise would never have spent were it not for the psychological pull that a good deal has on people’s minds.
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Suicide is defined as the act of an individual killing themselves. Suicide is a complex action which is often the result of a myriad of different factors. Personal experiences, mental health, relationship problems, and a host of other factors can all lead someone into feeling that suicide is a necessary, acceptable, or practical response to their experiences. There is no one reason for committing suicide, but the fact remains that suicide is an action which can affect not only the person who has chosen to kill themselves but that individual’s friends and family, who are often left to handle the complex psychological trauma which often occurs after someone commits suicide.
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What is a major depressive episode?
A major depressive episode is defined as an episode during which a person is shown to be exhibiting symptoms of major depressive disorder while not necessarily exhibiting all of the symptoms of major depressive disorder itself. Someone who is experiencing a major depressive episode is not always able to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder, although it is common for people who experience these depressive episodes to have a depression diagnosis. Major depressive disorder, which is also known as clinical depression or clinical depression, refers to a mental disorder which is characterized by frequent episodes of low mood, low self-esteem, and other negative emotions and symptoms which can lead to an overall feeling of depression. People with major depressive disorder will also experience major depressive episodes on a recurrent basis.
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What is neuro linguistic programming?
Neuro linguistic programming is defined as a particular approach most often used in psychotherapy forms of communication, and in the improvement of personal and interpersonal development. The basis of neuro linguistic programming is that the connection between neurological processing in the brain and behavioral patterns allows for people to develop themselves and influence those around them through communication that takes advantage of these neurological processes. Neuro linguistic programming can take many forms; the overall umbrella of neurolinguistic programming includes methods and techniques which can be used during hypnotherapy, regular psychotherapy, retail or business marketing, regular interpersonal communication, as well as self-improvement, and so on. Neurolinguistic programming is typically considered to be a pseudoscience by those in the scientific community because many of its methods and techniques are not based on hard scientific fact but on subjective data and the study of overall social and personal traits--for example, one of the bases for the Milton Model, a common neuro linguistic programming model, involves taking advantage of the conscious mind's distraction in order to tap into the unconscious mind. Although this method does not have any strict scientific basis, it was developed after research and study on social and behavioral patterns.
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How to treat Binge eating?
Binge eating disorder is defined as an eating disorder which falls under the umbrella of eating disorder not-otherwise-specified, which is characterized by periods of episodic binge eating or eating an abnormally large amount of food in a relatively short time. Binge eating disorder is also characterized by the sense that the person with the disorder feels out of control and unable stop during their binge eating episode. Although binge eating disorder has some similarities to the eating disorder bulimia nervosa, people with binge eating disorder do not regularly engage in purging behavior, such as self-induced vomiting, to rid themselves of their binges.
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Task oriented procedures are the tasks or activities which make up a position
The process of job analysis, or the process of characterizing and identifying the content of a particular job, relies on an analyst’s ability to define and separate work procedures within any given position. Every job is made up of various work procedures, which include but are not limited to: assignments, tasks, requirements, or other procedures which may be a part of a workday. A job analysis relies on defining these procedures in order to better define what makes up a particular position or job within a company or within the workforce.
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What is anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by the refusal to maintain an expected body weight through food restriction which is caused by a distorted body image and a fear of gaining weight. Anorexia nervosa is typically found more often in females than in males, although both men and women can be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. In the past decade, the number of diagnosed cases of anorexia nervosa has steadily risen and the average age of anorexia nervosa ones has steadily decreased—the average age of onset for anorexia nervosa is now 9 to 12 years of age, whereas it was previously 12 to 17 years of age. Anorexia nervosa is considered to be one of the most fatal mental disorders because of the extreme complications that lowered body weight, food restriction, and other behaviors associated with anorexia nervosa—such as consuming diet pills or syrup of ipecac —can cause. Studies have shown that anorexia nervosa may be easier to treat when it is diagnosed relatively early on in the disease, rather than when it has been developing for years. It is therefore important for both professionals and family members to understand the various signs and symptoms that can help spot a potential case of anorexia nervosa in a patient or loved one.
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Clinical depression What is clinical depression?
Clinical depression, also known as major depressive disorder, recurrent depressive disorder and major depression, refers to a mental disorder which is characterized by periodic episodes of intense low mood, low self-esteem and a general loss of interest in daily activities which might normally be enjoyable. Clinical depression encompasses a range of mood lowering behaviors which result in an overall low-mood for a period of time; clinical depression, in some instances, tends to occur in brief episodes which repeat or reoccur at random.
During a clinical depression episode, or a major depressive episode, individuals with this disorder are more likely to have suicidal thoughts or contemplate committing suicide. Some people with major depressive disorder report experiencing hallucinations or even delusions during a major depressive episode, although these only occur in the most severe cases of clinical depression.
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What is Anorexia mirabilis?
Anorexia mirabilis was a unique psychological condition which occurred mostly in females from the middle Ages until the beginning of the 19th century, in which the people affected would obtain from food or drink to the point of emaciation and often death for reasons of religious purpose. Anorexia mirabilis almost exclusively occurred in girls and young adult females and was found most frequently between the 13th and 17th centuries. The characteristics of anorexia mirabilis manifested themselves in what was referred to as "prodigious fasting" or more derisively, "holy hysteria." oust of the women who developed anorexia mirabilis claimed that they could subsist on minimal or even zero amounts of food and water because they were sustained by God or because God told them that they should abstain from food or drink or a number of other religious reasons.
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